Friday, June 23, 2006


i've always wondered if there's a time for everything. like why can't we do certain stuff till we are older? or why can't we understand certain things till we are older? does a few months or a yr really make us mature that much? shrugs. older ppl like to tell us that you grow wiser as you age and all the emotions and feelings we have now aren't real, cos we're just too young to understand what's real yet. but seriously, i think that's bullshit. just cos we're young doesn't mean we don't know friendship or love.. seriously double standards. like if a teen sacrifices smthing impt for someone she loves, that's foolishness. yet when women sacrifice their careers for their families, that's noble. -.- bah.

i admit that with age, comes experience and with experience comes knowledge. but you can't just dismiss everything we feel just because we're young. we have strong feelings and emotions too. and who are you to say its not real? when you are not in my position and gone through it.

hah. so i follow my heart. as cliche as it sounds (: i believe what i'm feeling is real. all the emotions, albeit mixed and confused, are real, and its not just a passing thing. and i will hold on as long as i can, till i reach the point where either i am too jaded to believe anymore, or there's just nothing left. whichever comes first.

its pouring outside. there'll be no sunset to watch this morning. comforting.

constant contact doesn't equal lack of feelings, but neither does it equal abundance of it. haha.

hugs to wenxin. we're walking down the same path dear (: just hang on in there.

i dream

i hope

i wish

for a moment that my heart can be at peace

: come away :: norah jones :


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